Pull Requests

This list shows all the pull requests I did to someone else's projects. This is a good way to explore my (small) contributions to open source projects.
Every pull request has a reason, so I try to explain the story behind each one of them.

This project aims to provide a generic DEALER/ROUTER server using zeroMQ. My little Pull Request adds a setup.py file to the project, to let people install it via pip.

sa, short for simple ajax, is a barebone library for AJAX handling in javascript. My contribution to the project adds an onprogress handler and a small change for reading local files.

yamakazi is a command line client for the (dead, replaced) anime torrent tracker nyaa.se. Apart of changing a method to be public to let users load the database of already downloaded torrents at will, the major contribution to this library is to switch to Array#bsearch to search already downloaded filenames inside its database.

This contribution adds a setup.py to be able to install this library via pip. I used this library to build Light of the Free Disk Space, a project to leverage the programmable LED of my mouse and use it to know how much space I still have on my Raspberry Pi. It was... fun.

If you live in the command line, you need a way to upload screenshots somewhere in the internet, and limf is a small utility that does just that. The only problem I had with this tool is that uses a random list of public Pomf installs on the internet, and I preferred to use my own list, containing a friend's non-public install. To be able to do that, this pull request adds the ability to read a local hosts list.

nerdz.eu is not a social network, nor a forum. No one knows what it is, but at least you can use Docker to run it. The founder of the website asked me to test the Docker setup on a different machine, to verify that everything worked. Well, it worked. I also had the time to add SSL support, integrate docker-camo and update the documentation.

px-data-table is a Predix UI component, written in Polymer, that enables developers to generate a table from JSON data and let users read, modify and select data. While working on a customer website, my frontend colleague found a bug in the selection part of the component. I filed a bug report for it, attaching the patch to fix it.

Miyuki is a torrent downloader, built only for nyaa.se. RoxasShadow built the core, and I contributed notifications and a fix for track file (database) update. I was an heavy user of the project, and built an entire project (called Celty) around it, then I lost interest as easier (legal) alternatives became available and I was too busy to watch TV shows.

My first experience with someone else's Rust project, gauss is a modular IRC bot. My Hacktoberfest contribution is the Tangorin plugin, to let users write a kanji in the channel and get the translation from Tangorin. While writing this patch, I learned to love Rust macro system.

This project lets users capture and save OpenGL frames from applications to disk. These "dumps" can be then transformed into a video. I used this project while testing some solutions for video capture in a "system on a computer" prototype, in order to correlate user input with the GUI output during an unsupervised test phase. As I needed to test different encoding parameters, I wrote a script to convert seom files to videos taking scripts as parameters.